A variety of infertility and family-building resources to help you along the way.

If you’re reading this, you probably know a thing or two about infertility. Or maybe you know a lot more than you ever wanted to. Wherever you are in your journey, we first and foremost want you to know you’re not alone. We all know that it can feel like you’re the only one facing infertility or family-building struggles, but as you’ll see below, there are so many individuals and couples facing the same unknowns as you.
This month, we wanted to share a variety of blogs, podcasts, and movies or documentaries that all relate to infertility and family-building that we have found helpful or informative and we hope they’re beneficial for you too.
We also have some exciting news to share with you: we just launched our own podcast called (In)fertility Connections! In this podcast, you’ll get to know us at UIRC and the services we offer, we’ll dig into some of the common (and uncommon) questions and topics relating to infertility, and connect with other professionals who are passionate about helping you get your miracle. Check it out here: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2285675
The Infertility Voice: https://www.theinfertilityvoice.com/
The 2 Week Wait: https://wonderwomanwriter.com/the-2-week-wait-blog/
No Kidding in NZ: https://nokiddinginnz.blogspot.com/
Silent Sorority: https://blog.silentsorority.com/
Magnolia Wellness https://www.magnoliawellnessoc.com/the-blog
The Broken Brown Egg: https://thebrokenbrownegg.org/
The Next 15,000 Days: https://thenext15000days.blogspot.com/
The Infertility Doula: https://infertilitydoula.blogspot.com/
Rescripted/The Fertility Tribe: https://thefertilitytribe.com/
Below the Belt: https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/films/below-the-belt/
Just Your Period: https://www.justyourperiod.com/
Stories We Tell: The Fertility Secret https://www.msnbc.com/storieswetell
Private Life: https://www.netflix.com/title/80168222
Vegas Baby: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4925028/
The Business of Being Born: https://www.amazon.com/Business-Being-Born-Ricki-Lake/dp/B0013LL2XY
Period. End of Sentence.: https://www.netflix.com/title/81074663
The Secret Society https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14984962/
RESOLVE Kitchen Table Conversations https://resolve.org/category/videos/
The Sad Moms Club https://thesadmomsclub.buzzsprout.com/
The Maybe Baby Diaries https://www.themaybebabydiaries.com/
The Fertility Podcast: https://www.thefertilitypodcast.com/
Fertility Friday: https://fertilityfriday.com/
The Fertility Warriors: https://robynbirkin.com/blog/thefertilitywarriors/
This is Infertility: https://progyny.com/podcast/
Uniquely Knitted: https://uniquelyknitted.org/infertility-feelings-podcast/
Fertility Rewire: https://www.fertilityrewire.com/podcast